Monday, May 2, 2011

Ek Titli - Be that Butterfly.....

Have you heard about the butterfly theorya tiny  variation at one point of time can make a huge difference in a later state? The term butterfly effect was applied in Chaos Theory to suggest that the wing movements of a butterfly might have significant repercussions on wind strength and movements throughout the weather systems of the world, and theoretically, could cause tornadoes halfway around the world. Imagine what you can do with a mere flutter of a wing!   It's time for you to be that butterfly and bring about a tornado of a change.  Find out how. 

Let's talk about Ek Titli - refreshingly green in it's belief, concept, design and everything it speaks about.  They like to think of themselves as a bunch of idiots, who think they can they can change the world! Why idiots? Because when they speak of what they intend to do, people give them the “idiot” look. Does that deter them?  Naah... Because unlike others who just speak about change, Ek Titli is actually working towards it and is set out to achieve the possible. A change towards betterment of the air we breathe, the row of trees that lead to your house, the water you drink.  It used to be much cleaner and greener - all that now just a memory.

So what do we do? 
We all know it, have heard about it and even appreciated it but didn’t bother if we could contribute to it too! Ek Titli gives a platform to give wings to your ‘natural’ instinct.

They provide green solutions, mainly focused on converting chemical farms into organic ones, which, by the way, is something you can set up too in your garden or even terrace, only that it will be called a micro organic farm

You ask who ‘we’ are here. Well, we are a bunch of idiots who think they can change the world!

We also have a huge online dais that gives everyone an opportunity to talk Green & live greener. So if you have heard of a little birdie doing something appreciable for the green space, our online portal is where it should nest for a while. We spotlight the Green Do-Gooders, we love to associate with them.

We also like to read, write and talk about anything natural, organic and green! So the portal gives space to travelogues, photo features and even interviews with a green orientation.

For more details on what our portal entails, check out

Drop in a mail if this interests you, or to just say hello to the idiots. We will smile back, and it’s contagious


  1. Ahh...once I can say, I beat you to it. That is used the chaos theory before you and for the same type of post :P

  2. Being an idiot is so much better and being a titli is even more so :)
    Liked the initiative.

  3. interesting....thanks for sharing...ignorance is not always a bliss...

  4. Hmm interesting but i think our society needs to adapt to green living a little organic items would not hurt in fact it would benefit us in the long run!

  5. Great initiative and an equally great blogging with a purpose:)

  6. Initiative by Ek Titli is really wonderful. I wish more people to join them.

  7. Hope what they started does work out .. all the best ot them


  8. May the butterfly cause a tornado in green energy sector. My best wishes.

  9. i guess i have been too dumb. i didn't knew about it at all.. now that i know, i really think those 'idiots' can do it... change needs just an idea and a bunch of followers who are willing to teach everyone else... thanks for sharing ( and en lighting)

  10. Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Submit your blog into

    Hamarivani is an Indian Blogs Aggregator.

  12. Wow..I like this..I like it Green..Thanks for posting this..

  13. Joined the brigade too :) Nice intro.

  14. @Snowleopord, Purba, CN, Thank you so much for your support in this endeavor. But it doesn’t end here, I expect you all to join in as contributory writers… Help us bring about the change…

    @Purba again- on my behalf-would you ask Trish if she wants to write for us?

  15. @ Sangeeta- thanks for the nice words.. Oh yes we flutter without being high ;).. Would you like to be a titli too? We hope you do! :)

    @ Sub- rightly put, no point being blissfully unaware, so how about creating some buzz about green and writing for us?

  16. @ Emmy: You understood us & our ethos- we hope you would like to be one those who talk and spread the Ek Titli’s green message. We look forward to hearing from you on how you will like to :). Ideas are Fresh hence Green too!

  17. @ Prateek- and we wish you join us too! Every one counts here :)

    @ Bikram: Thank you so much for your good wishes!

    @ Blasphemous Aesthete; please join the titli bandwangon and help us create yet another green revolution

  18. Cloud nine- thanks for appreciating our initiative- we hope you will like to be a titli too?

    @ Deepika- Now that you know about us, think about joining us :)

  19. @ Popsie & Blue Lotus- thanks :).. Do visit our site for more interesting and informative articles

  20. LIKE this initiative, way to go. We've got to green the way we think itself, and quick!


Psst... let me know what you are thinking.